Geneviève Guadalupe

Genevieve Guadalupe, a Mexican American printmaker and fiber artist whose creations beautifully echo her profound affinity for nature. Her artistic journey led her to the enchanting landscapes of Peru, where she immersed herself in the intricacies of printmaking, papermaking, bookbinding, and textile conservation. In Mexico, she embraced the rich tapestry of traditional cartoneria (papier mache) techniques and lithography.

Genevieve’s artistic spirit is rooted in tradition, as she passionately employs age-old methods to craft her pieces. Her textile compositions interweave the timeless art of printmaking with the intricate textures of patchwork and quilting. Recognized for her textile artistry, Genevieve’s work has been adorned with multiple awards and has graced international exhibitions, allowing her creative voice to resonate across borders.

Fiber Art CV

Graphic Art CV